
Thursday, July 13, 2023

Coconut Cookies/ Thengai Biscuits, delicious, crispy and melt in your mouth cookies. These cookies are mildly sweetened and full of flavor. Tastes great as a snack or as a tea biscuits. 

Right now, it's one of my kid's favorite cookies , so i bake them often at home. I simply love when the kid enjoys the baking goods that i make ! While i was growing up, baking was not a part of our cooking at home, so it always gives immense pleasure to enjoy the homemade baking goods. 

Whenever i bake cookies for my kid, i try to minimize or completely avoid the leavening agents, so often i stick with shortbread types of cookies. 

Initially when i try these cookies, i didn't add any leavening agents and the cookies turned out really good. But today, in this recipe, i have added a little amount of baking powder and the cookies are super lighter than before other than that everything else are the same

So it's really up to you to add baking powder in this recipe.  If you're worried that the cookies would be dense, then add the baking powder for safety :-)


Make sure to use a fine variety of desiccated unsweetened coconut because it easily blends with the flour. Don't use shredded types of coconut in the recipe. I got my dried coconut from the Bulk Barn store here in Canada. 

Rolling the cookie dough in the coconut is optional. So you can skip this step and bake the cookies and still it tastes awesome. 


For all my cookies with a few exceptions, i like to use the store bought powdered sugar because it gives such a smooth melt in your mouth cookies. 

Vanilla Essence

Coconut and vanilla flavor goes together really well. But you can skip the vanilla essence and make it with coconut flavor alone or you can use a bit of cardamom flavor/ powder too.

Now let's check out on how to make this delicious Coconut Cookies / Thengai Biscuits 

Coconut Cookies | Thengai Biscuits

Preparation Time : 5 mins | Cooking Time : 15 minsServes : 12 
Recipe Category: Curry | Recipe Cuisine: Indian
Coconut Cookies, Thengai Biscuits, Coconut Cookies/ Thengai Biscuits, a delicious and crispy melt in your mouth cookies. These cookies are mildly sweetened and full of flavor.
Butter - 1/4 cup
Powdered Sugar - 1/4 cup
Desiccated Un-sweetened coconut - 1/2 cup 
All purpose flour - 1/2 cup
Vanilla essence - 1/2 tsp
Baking powder - 1/4 tsp(optional)

Preheat the oven @ 350 F 
In a bowl, add the butter and whisk it smooth, then add the sugar and salt.

Mix it all together well with a whisk. Next add the vanilla essence.
Mix it well and then add the coconut, flour and baking powder. Now use your hand and mix it all together until it forms a smooth dough.
Then pinch a small amount of cookie dough and roll it into a smooth ball. 
Take 1/4 cup of desiccated coconut in a bowl and roll the cookie dough on it until the cookie coats with coconut on all sides. This step is totally optional so you can skip it too. Then flatten the cookie a little bit and place it on a parchment lined baking sheet.
Bake it in the pre-heated oven for 15-18 mins until the top turns slightly golden brown in color.
Cool it completely and store it in airtight container. Delicious Coconut Cookies/Thengai Biscuits are ready to munch.

Related : How to make Shortbread Cookies / Butter Cookies

  • These cookies stay well for up to 15 days at room temperature.
  • These cookies are mildly sweetened sweetened. 


  1. Delicious!!!! I tried your this recipe today and trust me it's a soul touching .... Thank you so much for sharing a exact recipe... Awaiting more such wonderful recipes from you .Thank you

    1. Thank you for trying and sharing your feedback.

  2. Hello, can we use almond flour ?

    1. I had tried this cookies with 1/4 cup of almond flour and 1/4 of APF and it turned out super good. But not tried making with almond flour only. So not sure how it would be.
