
Monday, February 24, 2020

Semiya Upma with Vegetables, a quick & easy to make breakfast/tiffin with vermicelli and vegetables. Few weeks before, when i had shared this simple vermicelli upma in Instagram, many have requested the recipe, that's when i realized that this recipe is still not in the blog. 

It happens all the time, some how i always skip the simple recipe to post here, to be honest, it not even crossed my mind to post such a simple recipes. Guess, it's time to change that habit :-) Like i have already said, it's one of the easiest recipe to make in a jiffy. 

Back in Amma's place, she often make this as evening tiffin alone with coffee/tea for a long day or when we feel little hungry in the evening.  It tastes awesome with sip of tea/coffee. Do give it a try if you haven't already. 
Yesterday the temperature here was above 5c after almost 3 months and it was such a pleasant day  to be outside(with all those winter jackets of course  :-)). It's really amazing how our body adapts to the environment.
Back in days, when i was newly married, even the Tiruppur cold in December made me sick and had cold & fever for a few days. That reminds me of the quote " No such things as bad weather only bad clothing" . Realized how true is that here in this winter !!! Ok, now let's check out the semiya upma recipe.

Semiya Upma with Vegetables

Preparation Time : 5 mins | Cooking Time : 15 minsServes :
Recipe Category: Breakfast/Tiffin | Recipe Cuisine: Indian
Semiya Upma with Vegetables, Vegetable semiya upma, Vermicelli Upma,Breakfast upma, Tiffin Upma, Semiya Upma with Vegetables, a quick & easy to make breakfast/tiffin with vermicelli and vegetables.
Semiya/ Vermicelli - 3/4 cup
Onion - 1/2 (small)
Tomato - 1/2(small)
Carrot - 1(small)
Green Chili - 2 nos
Ginger - 1/4 inch piece
Curry leaves - few
Coriander leaves - few
Sugar - 1/2 tsp
Coconut Oil - 1 tsp
Mustard & urad dal - 1 tsp
Water - 1 cup
Salt - to taste

Cut the onions,tomato,carrot & ginger into small pieces and slit the green chili into half.Heat the pan with oil, add mustard & urad dal , let the mustard  splutters.Then add the onion ,chili and curry leaves and saute till the onions become translucent.
Next add the carrot and saute in the oil for 2-3 mins.
Add the tomatoes and saute till the tomatoes are soft. Then add the water.
Next add the salt & sugar , bring into boil.
Add the semiya (i have used roasted semiya here, see notes at the end for un-roasted semiya),give a good mix and cover the kadai with lid and keep the flame in medium. Keep it covered for 4-5 mins or until the  semiya is well cooked.
Finally add the coriander leaves, give a good mix and switch off the flame.
Tasty Semiya Upma with vegetables  is ready.Serve it with your favorite chutney. We had it with coriander chutney and coffee.

Related : How to make Idli Upma 

Related : More Upma Recipes 

  • I have used roasted semiya here, if you have un-roasted semiya, roast it in a 1/2 tsp of ghee till it's aromatic and starts to change color
  • Roasted semiya gives non-sticky and fluffy upma. 
  • In addition to carrot, beans can also be used in this upma.
  • Adding sugar balance out the taste, so don't skip it.
  • Coconut Oil & ginger gives such a nice aroma to the upma, highly recommend to add it.
  • In addition to coriander leaves, grated coconut can also be added.

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