
Monday, December 9, 2019

Turkish Baklava, a thin pastry layered with nuts which later baked and soaked in sugar-honey syrup. They are absolutely delicious, delicate pastry with crunchy nuts and oozing syrup,OMG, it's very addictive and i started to crave for some now when i have written those lines., you can't just stop by one for sure. 

If you have already tasted this delicious pastry, i'm sure that you agree with me on how delicious it is. If you haven't, you must try to believe what i'm saying here. I couldn't remember when was the first time that i had tasted this yummy sweet, but whenever i see it at any middle easy grocery store/bakery, never forgot to pick.  
Initially i thought that it  was very difficult to make, later i got to know that it can be made easily with the phyllo sheets available in the frozen section of grocery store. Yep, with store bought phyllo sheets, it seems easier to make than the most of the Indian sweets :-) 

So far i have baked baklava a handful of times, every time it turned out finger licking delicious. More than me, ST is a big fan of baklava, that's rare because in our home, i'm known for sweet tooth :-)

I have read lot of recipes before making them. But i'm not sure which one is traditional and how it's been made in Turkey. From my reading, i have understood that Greeks, Lebanese, Turkish and Armenians have their own style of making them and it's difficult to pin point one particular baklava to one specific region., always there is mix of varieties in every regions. 

So here i'm sharing my favorite way of making them. I love to use pistachios and almonds in my baklava, not only it looks tempting, the combination is so good.

Pistachios Baklava | Turkish Baklava

Preparation Time : 15 mins | Cooking Time : 1 hrServes :
Recipe Category: Sweet | Recipe Cuisine: Turkey
Almond, Baklava, Desserts, Middle East, Pistachio, Sugar, Sweet, Turkey Turkish Baklava, a thin pastry layered with nuts which later baked and soaked in sugar-honey syrup.
Phyllo sheet - 6
Almond -1/3 cup
Pistachios - 1/4 cup + 2 tbsp
Cardamom - 2 tsp
For Syrup
Sugar - 1/2 cup
Honey - 2 tbsp
Water - 1/4 cup
Lemon zest - 1/2 tsp
Cardamom powder - 1/4 tsp 

Add the nuts(Almonds & Pistachios ) and cardamom into the blender and blend it coarsely and keep it aside.
Unwrap the phyllo sheets and take the needed 6 sheets and keep the remaining in the refrigerator.
Take one phyllo sheets on the working surface, cover the remaining with damn kitchen cloth, fold into half and brush it with butter all over, again fold into half and brush it with butter all over.
Place that phyllo sheet into buttered baking pan. Do the same for another sheet and place it on the baking pan. Next add half of the nut mixture into the baking pan.
Cover it with two buttered phyllo sheets as we did before and add the remaining nut mixture. 
Cover the top with two buttered phyllo sheets.. Cut them into triangles.
Bake it in the preheated oven for 350F for 50 mins to 1 hr.
In the mean time, add the sugar, honey and 1/4 cup of water into the sauce pan.
Bring into boil and let all the sugar melts. Add the lemon zest and cardamom ,switch off the flame.
Once it's baked, remove from the oven, let it cool for 5 mins and then pour the sugar syrup all over. Let it sit for 2-3 hrs or overnight.
Cut and serve. Delicious Baklava is ready.

Related: Baked Onion Samosa with Phyllo Sheets

  • Make sure the syrup is also slightly warm when you pour over baklava, if not, reheat for few mins and use it.
  • Use sharp knives for perfect cut.
  • Soaking time is very important, so let it set for minimum 2 hrs before serving.

Related: Baked Avocado Rolls with Phyllo Sheets


  1. Looks really very sinful!..I have been wanting to make baklava, as we dont' get the sheets, hesitent to make the sheets myself..

    1. Thank you Valli, I have seen Phyllo sheets in nature basket online store.Hope it's available in Chennai too.

    2. Thanks Sheeba for letting us know :-)
