
Monday, December 17, 2018

Double Layer Coconut Burfi, a delicious and easy to make burfi with coconut and milkpowder. I have a vivid memory of eating coconut burfi from the petti kadai(small shop) during my school days.

In those days, these coconut burfi and porivilangai(roasted chana dal ladoo) were my favorite after lunch snacks and those were 50 paise/ piece then. In petti kadai, the coconut burfis were in two colors (white & pink) and I have a long term wish to make them at home.
Instead of making them in two colors separately, I thought of making them in layers, but I'm not sure about the flavors that go into that petti kadai coconut burfis, I remember only the colors, not the flavors. It's really a  long time since I have. 

Therefore, I went with my favorite flavors, cardamom for white layer and rose essence for pink layer and also I have added a small amount of milk powder(I'm sure that this was not included in the petti kadai burfi recipe) for extra richness and taste. To my surprise, it turned out so soft and delicious. 
Before checking out the recipe, here is a quick update[as of Dec 18], we're moving to the new place again, those who know me personally would have known that how many times we have moved since we got married, sometimes, it kinda feels like a modern nomadic life. 

As much as we like to move to new places, at times, it's kind of tiresome to start from scratch again & again. Is anyone related to it ??? So, coming to the point, since we're moving, there will be a lack of post for a while until I get my own kitchen again. Meantime, enjoy your time here. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. 

Double Layer Coconut Burfi

Preparation Time : 10 mins | Cooking Time : 20 minsMakes : 12 
Recipe Category: Sweet | Recipe Cuisine: Indian
coconut burfi, Double layer coconut burfi, Double Layer Coconut Burfi, a delicious and easy to make burfi with coconut and milkpowder.
For Cardamom Layer
Coconut flakes(unsweetened) - 3/4 cup
Milk Powder - 1/4 cup
Sugar - 1/2 cup
Cardamom - 2(crushed)
For Rose Layer
Coconut flakes(unsweetened) - 3/4 cup
Milk Powder - 1/4 cup
Sugar - 1/2 cup
Rose essence - 2 drop
Pink food color(gel) - 1 drop(optional)

First let's make the cardamom layer, take the sugar in a pan, add water just enough to cover the sugar and let it melt completely. 
Let it boil until the sugar syrup reach one string consistency, then add the coconut flakes and milk powder.
Mix it well without any lumps and then add the crushed cardamom.
Cook till the coconut mixture leaves the sides of the pan and then transfer the mixture into the ghee greased/ lined tray and flat the top with the ghee greased spoon/spatula.
Next let's make the rose layer, take the sugar in a pan, add water just enough to cover the sugar and let it melt completely. 
Let it boil until the sugar syrup reach one string consistency, then add the coconut flakes and milk powder.
Mix it well without any lumps. 
Then add the rose essence and food color into it and mix it well. 
Transfer the mixture on top of the cardamom layer and smooth out the surface on the top. Let it cool a bit and cut into squares.
Let it cool  completely and store it in air tight container. Delicious Coconut Burfi is ready.

Related : How to make Maida Burfi

  • Instead of doing it in batches, you can make it in one shot and in the end divide the mixture into half and add the different flavoring into each one. 
  • If you're doing like me, make each layer separately, then you have to super quick in making the second layer before the first one sets. Other wise the layers cannot stick together. 
  • While making the second layer, keep the first layer near the stove itself, that way it won't set immediately.
  • Milk powder gives richness to the burfi.
  • You can add upto 1/3 cup of milk powder for this burfi.  
  • I have pulsed the coconut once in a mixie for fine texture. But it's optional.

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