
Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Momos is a south asian steamed dumpling with some sort of filling inside and it's the most popular street food in Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan and India. In India, I have seen different shapes of momos, each shape has some unique filling and I guess that's quite easy for the vendors to differentiate what's inside. 

Few months back, I had read an article about street food in Nepal and in that article they mentioned about this open momos and how popular it is in Kathmandu, Nepal.Later when I had searched the same in google , I found a video on how to shape them. It was really interesting, since I love to try different shapes in food, the very next day itself I tried it and was amazed by how cute it was!!! 
More than a flower,  this shape  reminds me of the chutney serving bowl used in the restaurant  with four compartments, anyone with me or just me??  Whatever it is, I simply love shaping them, to me, trying out different shapes of food is kind of relaxing and even on day to day cooking, I try to make different shapes of dosas, chapathi and so on. 

So when Valli announced this month themes, i was skeptical to join  because i knew that this month, i would be all busy because of the travel, but still i couldn't skip this theme(Regular food in different shapes), so here i'm with all the posts scheduled before. 

Flower Shape Momos | Open Momos

Preparation Time : 20 mins | Cooking Time : 15 minsServes :
Recipe Category: Snacks | Recipe Cuisine: Indian
Open Momos, Flower Momos, Tibet Momos, Flower shape dumplings Momos is a south asian steamed dumpling with some sort of filling inside and it's the most popular street food in Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan and India..
For dough
All purpose flour/Maida - 1/2 cup
Oil - 1/2 tsp
Salt - to taste
Water - as needed
For stuffing
Cabbage - 1/2 cup(shredded)
Carrot - 1 (finely chopped)
Green onion - 2
Soy sauce - 1 tsp
Pepper powder - to taste
Salt - to taste

Take maida & salt in a bowl. Mix it well, then add the oil.With your finger tips mix the oil with the flour well. 
Add water little by little and make a stiff dough with your hand.Cover it & let it aside for 10-15 mins.

Take the cabbage in the sieve and add salt to it. Keep it aside for 15 mins.
Now squeeze the water from the cabbage well and add into the bowl along with carrot and green onions. Next add the soy sauce into the vegetables.
Add the pepper powder powder and salt  into the veggies and mix it well. Now the stuffing is ready.
Make equal size balls from the dough. Take a dough and roll into small disc with rolling pin. Cut the dough into circle using cutter or some lid.
Take a spoonful of filling and add into the center of the dough.Imagine a criss-cross on the circle, start at one end of the cross and make a single fleet ,pinch it well together and bring it towards the center, do the same on the exact opposite side and pinch both together until it sticks well(Refer the next two pics for better understanding).
Now do the same on the  other ends of the cross and pinch it together in the center.If needed add more filling in the holes on four sides or you can leave as it is.
Place the flower shaped/open momos in the steamer and steam it for 10 mins.
Tada, cute looking & tasty momos is ready. 
  • For the first few momos, it's kind of feel like tricky to shape the momos, once you get the knack of shaping them, it would be more easy than the regular shape.
  • Chop all the veggies very finely or grate them finely.
  • Adjust the amount of soy sauce as per your liking. 


  1. They are super cute! This is a nice way to showcase the filling. Thanks for sharing this new shape with us.

  2. Oh! They are so pretty. This is the first time I am seeing this design in momos and it is so lovely. And that colourful filling adds to the beauty..

  3. Oh my those momos look super cute and what a fantastic result!..I love all the momos that get shapped differently, I think this is the first time I am seeing a flower, great job Sandiya..

  4. Momos looks so beautiful and delicious.. good option for kids.

  5. Lovely flower shaped momos look so good and tempting. I'm just drooling. My kids have been asking me to make momos for a long, but I just keep on postponing. You have given me a boost now.

  6. Damn cute, and with beautiful shape. Flower moms looks super pretty to enjoy them. If i make these flower shaped momos seriously i wont let anyone to touch..

  7. OMG !they are super cute and I am sure the kids will be tempted to eat these.

  8. thats amazing momos platter. Thay are looking so lovely how can someone dare to eat them. Loved this kind of structure for momos.

  9. Love the cute shape of the flower shaped momos. They can be a huge hit any party or get together.

  10. wow - love the gorgeous shape of traditional momos

  11. These are so cute and would look wonderful in a party spread. I love momos and I will try this shape next time I make some.

  12. wow!!That looks lovely and colourful. Lovely filling too and thanks for the pictorial!!
