
Tuesday, May 1, 2018

It's been a while since i had joined the Mega BM , so when i saw the announcement of this April BM by Valli on first week of Jan, without a second thought, i signed up and by that time, i thought that it would be solid three months to prepare everything and feel relaxed. But by the end of jan, ST told me that there might be chance of moving to new place in the April because of his work. More than moving to new place, i was worried about how to make everything ready for Mega BM before mid of March. I knew after that i would be totally caught up with all the packing and moving stuff. So immediately i had prepared the list and started cooking and had successfully finished my cooking, drafting the recipes in Mid March. As expected, April month was crazy with all the packing and moving stuff and really find hard to spare an hour for final editing and posting.But the good thing is whenever i need break from the packing & cleaning the stuff, i sat on before the laptop and started to read the other post and commenting, honestly that was the only time i felt so relaxed in this entire month. Glad i had joined this marathon, otherwise i would post none in the month April in the name of moving :-). Easy to find reason for not doing right? Anyhow it was a great mega marathon and have learnt so much from my fellow bloggers !!! Now, let 's check out the roundup in case you missed any before.

First Week

For the first week, i have chosen the theme "International Breakfast" and here are the international breakfast that i have prepared and we enjoyed each one thoroughly. 

Mysore Masala Dosai
Mani PittuMofo Gasy
Veg Baozi French CrepesDonuts

Second Week

For the second week, i have chosen the theme "Whole grains" and in the whole grains, i have picked the millet, though i have been cooking millets regularly, somehow i missed sharing them here, so have taken this theme as an opportunity and shared the recipe that i have cooked regularly in my kitchen and here they are !!!

Kambu Koozh
Samai PuliyodharaiKuthiraivali Upma
Samai Paal Kanji Ragi MuddeMillet Biryani

Third Week

In the third week, i have chosen the theme "No garlic and No onion" recipe. In our home, we have no restrictions of using onions & garlic even on festival and vrat days, so i haven't cook much without garlic and onions or i can say mainly onions. So again i have chosen this theme as an opportunity to explore the recipes without onions & garlic and here are my favorite recipe without onions & garlic.

Mathanga Pulissery
Kuthiraivali PongalDal Tadka
Paruppu Podi Mysore RasamDum Aloo

Fourth Week

And  for the final week, i have chosen the theme "Street foods" . Out of all the theme, this one is my favorite, street food is something we go out and explore right?? While making that dishes at home, it brings back all the memories of when/where/with whom, i had this street food and also I love the idea of making street food at home. Here are some classic street food from India that i have relished to the core, so tried out in my kitchen

Dahi Papdi Chaat
Bhel PuriJalebi
Nannari Paal Sarbath Spinach Masala DosaiPaneer Soda
Bread Cheese Omelette Muttaikose
 Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 87


  1. Sandhiya, kudos for your efforts to post daily with so much going on at home. I loved the themes you chose and the delicious recipes you made. I have bookmarked quite a few of your recipes and I want to make them right away :-)

  2. Things always come together at one time. Glad you were able to participate in-spite of the move. I really enjoyed all your recipes especially the native ones. Bookmarked quite a few to try. Congrats on completing it successfully Sandhya.

  3. You came up with super duper delightful dishes Sandhiya, enjoyed all your delicious dishes. Kudos to u.

  4. Sandhiya, I enjoyed all the dishes you posted for the different themes you did! Right from the dish to the clicks, everything rocked!..Fantastic job.

  5. Sandhiya, you're a super woman, so disciplined. I knew I had to start preparing for the marathon, had the list ready but landed up cooking at the last minute. I had only the first week ready, the rest it was like fitting it in between other work. Next marathon I should start really early so I have enough time to comment and read the posts. Congratulations on the new move and completing this marathon.

  6. Sandhiya, I too loved all of your recipes and congratulations on the move to you. I could never manage to do mega bm on the move. Hats off to you for finishing this bm on time and with such tasty recipes.

  7. You have done an awesome job! Especially with the relocating part and cooking before hand! All your dishes were so good and I have quite a few bookmarked to try.
