
Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Punugulu, a delicious snack made with the idli/dosa batter and also it's one of the common street foods in the coastal region of the state, Andhra. 

It is made from the leftover or fresh idli/dosa batter. This is one of my favorite tea time snacks and often prepared over weekend chai time. It's so addictive and seriously can't stop eating whenever I make it, so nowadays, I prepare only a small quantity to avoid too much gulping :-)  
It was so delicious, crispy on the outside and soft inside, more like our vadai but with slight differences in taste & texture. It's a perfect tea time snack and if you have thick dosa batter at home, it can be prepared in minutes.

Adding rava gives the crispy texture to the punugulu, but at the same time, don't tempt to add more, it makes the punugulu hard on the outside. Now let's check out the recipe.


Preparation Time : 5 mins | Cooking Time : 15 minsServes :
Recipe Category: Snacks/Street Food | Recipe Cuisine: Indian
Punugulu, Tea time snacks, Punugulu with dosa batter, punugulu with idli batter Punugulu, a famous snack from Andhra and also the most common street food in the coastal region of the state, Andhra.
Idli/Dosa Batter - 1 cup
Rava - 1 tbsp
Rice flour - 1 & 1/2 tbsp
Salt - to taste
Onion - 1/4 cup(finely chopped)
Green chili - 1 (finely chopped)
Baking soda - a pinch
Curry leave - few
Oil - for deep frying.
* if you're making this for the first time, check out the notes at the end 

Take the dosa batter(the batter should be thick, you can't make this with thin batter) in a bowl, add rava,rice flour, baking soda, salt,onion & curry leaves, mix it well.
Heat the oil for deep frying, before taking the batter with the hands, dip your hands in a bowl of water.
And then take the batter and add into the hot flame, cook it in medium flame.
With a min, the punugulu floats on top, gently flip them on other side and cook till it becomes golden brown on all sides,remove from the oil and place it on tissue paper.
Serve it with chutney & hot tea.

Related : How to make Coconut Chutney

  • The batter should be thick, otherwise it absorbs a lot of oil.
  • After add the all ingredients, still the batter is not thick, add a extra tbsp of rice flour.
  • Green chili is optional, you can skip that too.
  • Baking soda helps to give the soft inside.
  • Rava gives more crispiness to the punugulu.


  1. I can understand when you say you gobbled down quite a few , these munches look super soft , would love to have some too .

  2. My mom used to make this often during our school days. You have made it perfect and looking at these beautiful punugulu, I am feeling quite nostalgic.

  3. Wow never tried this one and a new dish with idli dosa batter... bookmarking it...

  4. Nice texture and they are so evenly browned. They look light and fluffy. Should make a perfect afternoon snack.

  5. Just prefect to munch with a cup of coffee or tea, how delicious and crispy those punugulu looks.. Well done Sandhiya.

  6. So tempting and soft. I'd made these sometime back for a theme on another group and I'd loved them. Time to make punugulu again.

  7. I have made these couple of times whenever I have little batter left. The girls don't even want the chutney, they finish it is off as and when I am draining from the oil... lovely clicks...

  8. Those balls are looking so sinful Sandhiya..great snack to enjoy!

  9. Sinful snack for sure. I used to make punugulu with leftover batter but these days relying on the paniyaram pan for healthier version :)

  10. I end up using excess batter on the paniyaram pan but I can imagine how heavenly the deep fried version would ideal tea companion for the upcoming monsoons! Yours have turned out the right colour and look so tempting..yum yum

  11. Looks like lot of my comments went missing. Punugulu looks yum and a nice way to use up leftover idli dosa batter.

  12. Those punugulu look so crispy and absolutely delicious. Perfect as breakfast or as a snack.

  13. very similar to the appams made in tamilnadu. except that u deep fried it ............i love these...........

  14. Punugulu looks like a tasty and inviting snack and it must have tasted very delicious.

  15. Tasty and inviting snack.. perfect for lunchbox.
