
Thursday, May 3, 2018

Broccoli Soup, a healthy and creamy soup made from broccoli. For this week blogging marathon,i have chosen the theme as "One Vegetable in three ways". The one vegetable that i'm picking for this theme is "Broccoli", starting today, i'm going to post three simple and healthy broccoli recipe. 

I got introduced to broccoli only after we came to US for the second time, a few years back. When we were in US for the first time, i was skeptical about trying out any new vegetables and greens, so always ended up in buying the known vegetables from Indian grocery store. 

So  when we're here now for the second time, I would like to set aside my hesitance of trying out new things and give a try on all the veggies available in the market at least once. Out of many vegetables that i have tried so far, these broccoli is one among few that we liked it from the day one !! 
Now a days, at least i pick couple of broccoli florets on our weekend vegetable purchase. Coming to today's recipe, it's one of my favorite soup. The first time i had this soup from panera bread restaurant and instantly love it so much. 
Creamy soup with mild flavor is what i want in my soup and this soup is so apt to my taste. Later I have tried few recipes and finally liked the one recipe that i have shared here today. There is no cream in this soup still it tastes so creamy and delicious !!!! 

Broccoli Soup

Preparation Time : 10 mins | Cooking Time : 20 minsServes :
Recipe Category: Soup | Recipe Cuisine: General
Broccoli Soup, Broccoli Soup, Easy Broccoli Soup, Panera bread style broccoli soup Broccoli Soup, a delicious, creamy & cheesy soup, perfect for cold winter nights.
Broccoli - 1 floret(small)
Milk - 1 cup
Butter - 1 tsp
Flour - 2 tsp
Water - 1 cup
Olive oil - 1 tsp
Bay leaf -1 
Garlic - 2(roughly chopped)
Pepper powder - to taste
Salt - to taste 

Cut the broccoli into the small florets, wash it in running water and drain it completely.
Heat the sauce pan with olive oil, add the bay leaf, saute it in the oil for 30 secs, then add the garlic saute till it becomes fragrant.
Then add the broccoli ,saute it in the oil for 2 mins, add water and bring into boil. Cover the pan with lid and let the broccoli cook fully.
Switch off the flame and let the broccoli cool. Discard the bay leaf and put it in the blender jar and blend into smooth puree.
Heat the sauce pan with butter, let the butter melts and then add the flour and mix it well with the butter and let it cook for 2 min in low flame.
Add the broccoli puree and milk. mix it well together. Add enough salt. 
Let the soup comes to boil, switch off the flame. Add the pepper powder,mix it well.
Broccoli soup is ready to serve .

Related: How to make Broccoli Paratha

  • Add more or less of milk and water as per the consistency you want.
  • Cook the broccoli till it becomes soft.
  • For more richness, reduce the amount of milk and you can add cream


  1. Such a creamy and filling soup.Love the color of the soup.

  2. I am not a soup person but I don’t mind a broccoli soup , I normally add some almonds too . The soup looks nice and creamy .

  3. We like the broccoli cheddar soup from Panera too. Broccoli is a great choice, healthy and tasty too.

  4. I couldn't believe that there is no cream added. The soup looks so creamy and absolutely inviting..

  5. Excellent soup, drooling here. Just love these sort of hearty soup especially for my dinner.

  6. Broccoli makes its way into my grocery shopping every week too. Just steaming it makes it so delicious. That soup looks super tempting, love that there is no cream in it...

  7. What an excellent way to include broccoli in our diet! Even I was little skeptical trying this out when I was first introduced. Now I can eat but usually don't go out of the way to buy it. This is surely a nice way to include this in my menu..

  8. Nice way to use broccoli in dish. Soup looks nice and creamy. I have a lot of broccoli in my fridge. Will try your recipe today.

  9. Fantastic version of the soup. Our family is a broccoli loving one and we love it in all forms. I started with soups and now the kids prefer steamed broccoli with seasoning.

  10. A healthy and creamy bowl of soup for those wintry days....Loved your clicks

  11. That is such a creamy and delicious looking broccoli soup. I buy broccoli in bulk and this will be a great dish to make with it.

  12. I usually like to try out new vegetables and this ws one of the first I tried! Lovely soup and it is a great way to get someone eat Broccoli if it isnt their favorite!
