
Friday, April 6, 2018

French Crepes, a thin french styled pancakes made from the flour & egg mixture. The recipe is super simple and also it's the easiest batter making process for the pancakes that i have tried so far. 

But making thin pancakes is a bit tricky for the first one or two pancakes. Once you get the knack of pouring and swirling the batter fast, then it's like icing on the cake !!! 
And i love this pancake versatility, the crepes can be stuffed with egg & cheese or topped with powdered sugar or drizzle some breakfast syrup on top. 

Here in the recipe, i have served the french crepes with simple sugar and breakfast syrup. Without further delay, let's checkout the procedure, before that if you like to know what i have shared on the past 4 days under International Breakfast
Day 1 - Mysore Masala Dosa from India
Day 2 - Mani pittu from Srilanka
Day 3 - Mofo Gasy from Madagascar
Day 4 - Baozi from China  

French Crepes

Preparation Time : 1 hr | Cooking Time : 10 minsServes : 2
Recipe Category: Breakfast | Recipe Cuisine: French
French Crepes, Basic Crepes, Breakfast Crepes French Crepes, a thin french styled pancakes made from the flour & egg mixture.
All Purpose flour - 1/2 cup
Egg - 1
Water - 1/4 cup
Milk -1/4 cup
Sugar - 1 tsp
Vanilla Extract - 1/2 tsp
Butter - for greasing

Take all the ingredients. Crack open a egg in a blender/mixie jar and all other ingredients one by one.
Blend it well until it became smooth batter. Pour into the bowl and let it set aside for minimum 1 hr. The batter should be smooth and free flowing. Heat the 10 inch non stick pan.
Add 1/2 tsp of butter and pour a ladle full of batter into pan and gently swirl, so that it form thinly layer on the pan.
Cook it for a min and then gently flip into other side and cook it for 30-40 secs. 
Remove it from the heat and the french crepes is ready to serve .Serve it with powered sugar on top or with any breakfast syrup or both like me :-)
  • Don't over heat the pan, otherwise you can't swirl the batter evening the crepe would end up thicker.
  • Depends on the flour quantity, you may sometimes need additional 1 or 2 tbsp of water/milk.
  • Let the batter set it for minimum 1 hr before making the crepes.


  1. wow these french crepes looks so soft and perfect dear!! With only one egg in recipe it is easy to substitute and can be adapted , I love to eat crepes with some chocolate drizzled and some Nutella stuffed :).. You are a perfectionist aren't you, such perfectly made crepes and well plated sandhiya :)

    1. Aww, Thanks Manjula for those kind words !!!

  2. Crepes with strawberry makes the table really beautiful.Such a awesome breakfast to start a beautiful day!!

  3. You have nailed it Sandhiya. Those are very thin and love the way you have presented it with strawberries. Real restaurant style :-)

  4. Making crepes at home is definitely a art, it may sound an easy task but its need some practice and you nailed them prefectly Sandhiya, those crepes looks amazing and inviting.

    1. Yeah Priya, it's bit tricky for first few crepes. Thanks.

  5. Your crepes look so lacy, soft and delicious. These are perfect to stuff with fruit, cheese and just about anything. Makes simple breakfast fancy.

    1. I too love the versatility of this crepes, Pavani.

  6. Beautifully made and presented crepes. I loved these the minute i saw them on FB.They look so delicate and pretty as if dished out of a gourmet restaurant

  7. The crepes look so crisp and the presentation is amazing. Those strawberries and syrup with the crepes must be so delicious..

  8. Your crepes have come out just perfect and love that whole set up! I could absolutely wake up to this any time of the week. This will be a great weekend brunch as well.

    1. Yeah, it make a great weekend brunch also, Sandhya.

  9. Beautiful presentation and the strawberries look very pretty in the platter.

  10. Wow the whole septup looks so sinful and inviting..I love crepes and won't mind having it for any meal!

  11. Prefect breakfast to wake up to. Beautifully presented Sandhiya!

  12. The best and easy breakfast dish ever but I am yet to try it as looking for an eggless version. The entire setup looks beautiful Sandhiya.

  13. Just one big thin crepe filled with fruits and drizzled with honey....yummmy. My kids use to love this fro breakfast when they were kids. I make also eggless version for my mother in law as she too loves them.

  14. That looks pretty sandhiya, i too love simple and versatile recipes! I might enjoy this with some savory filling and my kids would love it with some bananas and honey!!! oh my i m drooling as i type my choices!!!

  15. Simple. Beautiful and homely. These crepes r so inviting ! Wel made

  16. Thin and soft crepes. Perfect to stuff with fruits or Nutella.
