
Monday, February 26, 2018

Instant Ragi dosa, a quick, healthy & tasty breakfast crepes made from the finger millet flour. When i had shared the recipe of ragi dosa made with fermented batter on fb, one of the reader shared the recipe for this instant version of ragi dosa that she used to prepare for years in her home, within the next few days, i tried this dosa for breakfast and we really like it and it became the regular menu for our morning routine.I love the crispy texture of this dosa and it's definitely a quick & healthy breakfast for your busy mornings. 
To get the crispy & lacey texture, unlike the regular dosa where the batter is poured into the tava and spread with laddle, here the batter should be pour over the hot tava just like rava dosa

Instant Ragi Dosa

Preparation Time : 5 mins | Cooking Time : 15 minsMakes : 6 dosa 
Recipe Category: Breakfast | Recipe Cuisine: Indian
Ragi flour - 1/2 cup
Wheat flour - 1/4 cup
Salt - to taste
Onion(chopped) - 1(small)
Water - as needed
Oil - for drizzling on dosa 

Take the ragi flour, wheat flour & salt in a bowl, mix it well. Then add the onions and mix together with the flour.Add water slowly into the flour and mix it well without any lumps.The batter should be thin like the rava dosa batter.Heat the dosa tava, grease it with oil and pour the batter evenly on the tava, drizzle some oil on the sides and cook on both sides.Healthy & tasty Ragi Dosa is ready.Serve it with sambar and/or chutney & podi.
  • Depends on the quality of the flour, you may need more or less water.
  • Instead of mixing onions with the batter, you can spread the onions evenly on tava before pouring the batter for each dosa just like onion rava dosa.
  • Here i have added only onions, but you can add any or all of the ingredients like chopped green chili, curry leaves, coriander leaves and cumin seed for extra flavoring.
 Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing this BM#85


  1. I love how lacy these instant dosas are looking!..very nice..

  2. How wonderful those ragi dosas looks. SImply love this instant versions of dosas. Feel like having my breakfast rite now.

  3. Love the lacy texture of the dosa. My mom use to make wheat dosa once in awhile when growing up but never tried it with ragi. Got to try it once.

    1. Thanks Usha.Yeah, we too make dosa with wheat flour, it's quite different texture from this dosa.

  4. Ragi dosa look so soft and must be tasty too. I am bookmarking this to try as I have some ragi flour to be used up.

    1. Thanks Sapana. Sure, give a try and let me know how you like it.

  5. Lacey, soft and delicious looking ragi dosa. They are such nutritious way to start any day.

    1. Thanks Pavani. Yes, it is a healthy & nutritious beakfast !!

  6. Looks awesome and bonus its healthy too. Good way to start the day.

  7. The texture of your dosas looks so good. I make these quite often, and add just a little bit of rice flour to make it slightly crisp.

    1. Thanks Jayashree. Recently i have started to make this more often.

  8. I thought you would add rice flour instead wheat flour is a great substitute! Love the lacey look.

  9. I add ragi flour to rice flour / leftover idli batter to make these dosas. This version sounds good too. Love the lacy dosas.

    1. Seriously you do that?? I do very often with left over batter.

  10. Nice and healthy dosa, something different form the regular dosa.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Sorry Sandhya, by mistake i deleted your comment i guess. Anyway thanks for commenting.

  12. The word instant just pulls me..seriously these lacy dosas look fantastic.

  13. Love instant dosas, this ragi dosa is something which gets made often. Looks inviting !

  14. The dosas have turned out so nice and lacy. I remember ordering ragi dosa once in a restaurant and the dosa was all white. When I asked the waiter if he had made a mistake he said no... beautiful colour of the dosa.

  15. what a hearty and wholesome way to start the day
