
Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Watermelon Popsicle, a refreshing summer popsicle made from watermelon puree with a hint of lime juice and honey.  After the discovery of my love towards lime, I'm kind of addicted to using it in almost every dish, especially in my drinks. 

The flavor of lime is awesome and it goes well with almost every drink and it gives you instant refreshing like anything.Yeah, i know, i'm sound like "Ambassador of lime"😏 .

Related: How to make Pineapple Popsicle

Ok, enough with my lime obsession, let's move on to today's recipe. Actually there is no so called "Recipe" for this popsicle, all you need to do is puree the watermelon, add honey & lime as per your liking, pour in popsicle mould and freeze. 

Voila, your watermelon popsicle is ready. But since i like this popsicle so much, i wanted to record it here. So here it is, try this delicious watermelon popsicle this summer to enjoy with your family.

Watermelon Popsicle

Preparation Time : 6 hrs | Cooking Time : 0 minsMakes : 8 small popsicle 
Recipe Category: Popsicle | Recipe Cuisine: General
Watermelon Popsicle, Watermelon Lime Popsicle, Lime Popsicle Watermelon Popsicle, a refreshing summer popsicle made from watermelon puree with a hint of lime juice and honey.
Watermelon - 2 cups(chopped)
Lime(medium) - 1/2

Chop the watermelon roughly into big chunks, put it in mixie/blender jar and grind into smooth puree.
Squeeze the lime and add honey into it and blend it once again until all well mixed together.
Take the popsicle mould, pour the watermelon puree into mould and close it with lid,freeze it for minimum 6 hrs.
To remove the popsicle from mould, run water hot water for 10-15 sec and take it out
Tada, Refreshing & healthy watermelon popsicle is ready.

Related: How to make Mango Kulfi

  • Depends on the sweetness of watermelon, you may need more or less of honey,so do taste test and add honey as per your preferred taste.
  • Lime give that extra zing to the popsicle and both the flavor blends very well.
  • Instead of lime, you can use lemon also.
  • To enhance the flavor, you can add 2 or 3 mint leaves while puree the watermelon.
  • Don't have popsicle mould, then pour it in small plastic cups or tumblers and insert the ice stick and freeze

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