
Thursday, May 4, 2017

Tzatziki,a greek yogurt sauce/dip made from cucumber and yogurt, flavored with garlic, dill leaves and olive oil. It's usually served with fresh vegetables,grilled meat or grilled vegetables.It's almost like our raita with quite different flavor. You can serve this at room temperature or cold. But it's always recommend to refrigerate this dip for few hours for the flavors to blend and it also helps to lessen the strong flavor of garlic.

Tzatziki | Greek Yogurt Cucumber Sauce

Preparation Time : 10 mins | Cooking Time : 0 minsServes :
Recipe Category: Sauce | Recipe Cuisine: Greek
Greek Yogurt - 1/2 cup
Cucumber - 1/2
Garlic cloves - 2 
Dill leaves - 1 tsp
Lemon Juice - 1/2 tsp
Olive oil - 1 tsp
Salt - to taste

Peel the cucumber and grate it finely.Then put the grated cucumber in the strainer and let the water from the cucumber drain completely. In the mean time, minced the garlic finely and take the yogurt in a bowl.Add the minced garlic into the yogurt, squeeze the water from the cucumber completely and add into the yogurt.Add enough salt & squeeze the lemon juice and mix well together.At the time of serving, add the dill leaves and drizzle olive oil.That's it, Yummy Tzatziki Sauce is ready. Serve it as a dip along with fresh vegetables, grilled meat or grilled vegetables.
  • If you don't have greek yogurt, drain the water from ordinary yogurt in fine sieve/cheese cloth and use it.
  • Make sure the water from cucumber is well drained.
  • The original recipe suggest to mix the yogurt with salt & garlic and keep it refrigerator overnight before adding cucumber for better taste.
  • Add dill leaves while serving to avoid the overwhelm of other flavor.
 Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing this BM#74


  1. The first time I heard about this dish, I was surprised at home close it is to our raita!

    1. Yeah Rajani, it's almost similar to our raita with quite different flavoring.

  2. This is a favorite at my house. Very similar to koshimber/salad and yet very different in taste.

  3. I have tried it once and loved it to the core. You have made it so nice..

  4. I have made this once for another event. Didnt use dill though. The clicks looks good Sandhiya

    1. I too used very little dill than the mentioned amount, just to avoid over powering dill flavor in the dip.Thanks Padma.

  5. We don't like dill so when I made it I avoided dill.Your pics and method is simpler.

  6. Super like, my favourite greek dip, just love it to the core.

  7. This is one of our favorite dip! Looks creamy and rich !!

  8. Love the subtle color and flavors... and looks amazingly thick...

  9. Such a cooling dip that is in the scorching heat! I LOVE Greek dips and this looks really amazing!

  10. I loved this dip when I had made it sometime back..your bowl looks so inviting!

  11. Tzatziki is one of my favorite dips. It's so simple yet so delicious.
