
Saturday, March 11, 2017

With the continuation of thali recipe, today i'm gonna share the typical south indian breakfast thali. Amma make this breakfast thali often and we all love it so much. It's the easiest breakfast thali recipe that you can prepare all the dishes with the single batter.I had already shared the dosa batter recipe before and i used the same batter here for dosa, kara(Savory) paniyaram and karuppati(Sweet) paniyaram.
After grinding the batter, separate the batter into two batches, in one batch of batter, add very little salt which we're gonna use for sweet paniyaram and in another batch,add the required salt,that's for dosa and savory paniyaram.
This breakfast thali includes
Usually, in this breakfast menu, amma includes masala dosa too. But for us ,even this platter makes us so full, so i skip that.But it hardly takes extra 15 mins to prepare the potato masala,so if you prefer, you can include that too.
How to prepare this breakfast thali
South Indian Breakfast Thali
Preparation Time : 8 hrs, Cooking Time : 40 mins, Serves : 2 
  • Previous day evening itself, grind the batter and let it ferment for 8 hrs.
  • Next day morning, first chop the vegetables for sambar and pressure cook it along with the dal.
  • Then chop the ingredients required for kara paniyaram & saute it and add into the batter and keep the kara paniyaram batter ready.In the same pan,saute all the ingredients required for kara chutney and let it cool.
  • Grate the palm jaggery and add into the batter for sweet paniyaram.
  • Now heat the paniyaram pan and start making sweet paniyaram.
  • By the time, the dal would be ready for sambar, open the pressure cooker and add the required spices for sambar  and bring to boil 
  • In the mean time grind both kara chutney and coconut chutney and finally do the tempering for chutneys and sambar.
  • Once finished making sweet paniyaram,start making kara paniyaram. 
  • In an another stove, heat the dosa tava and start making dosa side by side.
  • If you're planning for filter coffee, then boil the water for decoction and pour it in filter coffee maker.
  • By the time,you finish dosa, the decoction also would be ready. Heat some milk(for vegan breakfast,exclude the milk or substitute with milk alternate ) and make coffee. 
That's it,Yummy Breakfast Platter is ready .

 Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing this BM#74


  1. If i have this breakfast thali, i will make sure to get a nap after indulging all these beautiful dishes. Inviting breakfast.

    1. Ha Ha .. so true,me too got a nap after this breakfast Priya

  2. Very inviting breakfast your side dish bowls..

  3. I had made a similar chettinad breakfast spread and loved it . This looks delish

  4. If I made all this for breakfast we sure are not getting any lunch. Looks yum and love teh small containers in which you have served the sides.

  5. wow - breakfast is a nice twist to the usual thali platters

  6. That is a definitely filling platter of breakfast. Anyways eat breakfast like a king, right? :)

  7. That is a filling, weekend breakfast thali and love the spread of chutneys in those cute little buckets.

  8. My kind of spread.. I need kaara saaramana breakfast. I wish I could grab it right away.Those side bowls, vaali shape are sure cute. Where did you buy pa?

    1. Yep, i too prefer kaara saaramana breakfast .. The cute vaalis are from Dollar Tree in the party section.

  9. Yummy looking breakfast thali. Everything on that plate looks delicious.
