
Saturday, February 4, 2017

Rava Puttu, a delicious breakfast or evening snack made with semolina and grated coconut.I never heard about this puttu until i had it in my friend's home.

Two years back, I wasn't able to attend my close friend's marriage, so later we planned to visit her in her MIL's place at a village nearby Mayiladuthurai. Her MIL prepared a delicious and wide spread of food for our dinner. In that menu, this rava puttu was also included.
My friend knew that I like puttu a lot and I might casually mention it  to her during our hostel stay. So she insisted her MIL to prepare some puttu along with the menu.

Her MIL was so sweet & kind enough to prepare this puttu for my sake.The puttu was so soft and she served it with some ghee and sugar. It was so flavorful and delicious in each mouthful.
Later when we were talking over the phone, I got the recipe from my friend and prepared it very often with  various combinations like with kadala curry, appalam & banana.

Though it tastes good with other combinations, my all time favorite is with simple ghee & sugar. If you have tried this recipe before, do give it a try! 

Rava/Sooji Puttu

Preparation Time : 10 mins | Cooking Time : 20 minsServes :
Recipe Category: Breakfast | Recipe Cuisine: Indian
rava puttu,semolina puttu,sooji puttu,puttu recipe,steamed cake,steamed semolina cake,rava coconut puttu Rava Puttu, a delicious breakfast/ evening time snack made with semolina and grated coconut.
Semolina/Sooji/Rava - 1 cup
Salt - 1/4 tsp
Water - as need
Grated Coconut - 1/3 cup

Heat a pan, add rava and dry roast it till the nice aroma comes from it , by the time it slightly changes its color too. Remove from the heat and allow to cool completely.
Add salt into the rava & mix it well. Then add little by little water into rava and mix it with your hands until the rava is moist well.
Take a handful of rava and press it with your fist, it should hold the shape,then press it with your thumb,it should crumble, that's the correct stage of rava.
Take the puttu maker and add the grated coconut and then add rava, repeat the same and finish off with coconut.
Steam it in the pressure cooker or puttu steamer for 12-15 mins.

That's it, Yummy Rava Puttu is ready.

Related: How to make Ragi Puttu 

  • For me, it takes around 8 mins to dry roast the rava in medium flame.
  • The flavor of the puttu comes from the dry roasting of rava,so roast till the nice aroma comes from it.
  • This puttu takes little longer time to cook than the rice flour puttu.
  • If you don't have puttu maker, you can use any steamer pot also.
Sprinkle some ghee & sugar,it's time to dig in


  1. wow this is so new SAndhiya... loved the pics where the steam comes from the puttu - I have had the red rice puttu (but never made it myself) - this looks like an easy yet delicious one ! good pick ...

    1. Yeah Kalyani..It's so easy to make yet very tasty.Give it a try.

  2. What a delicious looking puttu Sandhiya. Lovely clicks especially the ones with steam.

    1. Thanks Pavani. I'm really glad when you mentioned about my pics.

  3. wow - looks fab thought I wouldnt even imagine to attempt it!

  4. Love the picture with steam coming out :-).. it's been ages since I've made puttu! God knows when I am going to make it again..

  5. Heard about this rava puttu but never had a chance to taste. Now am so tempted to give a try to this dish.

    1. Give a try and let me know the feedback,Priya

  6. I have never tried puttu with rava, but this looks super inviting. I am a great fan of puttu, ghee and sugar..

    1. Yeah Gayathri,Puttu with sugar & ghee are delicious.

  7. Love the recipe... its very interest cooking technique, never thought about this.

  8. I love puttu and making it with rava is so interesting. I am giving this a try soon.

  9. Wow thats really so good..I love rice puttu and basically love puttu, I am going to try this..very nicely clicked!

  10. wow girl, that looks scrumptious!!! Steaming hot pic looks awesome!!! :)

  11. I have tried rice puttu but this recipe is very new to me. Rava puttu looks delicious!

  12. I tried making this but the puttu turned out dry and hard, where did I go wrong? Any suggestion?

    1. I think, you haven't add enough water to the rava , add more water to the rava and try it . And if you're making in large quantities, make sure that you add water to rava in batches,so that it won't dry out while cooking and gives soft puttu.

  13. to prepare this without puttu nmaker

    1. You can steam it in idli cooker or any steamer.

  14. Hi Thks for your recipe. Do you use hot water or just room temperature water cos when making rice puttu I use boiling water. Thks

    1. Just room temperature water works for this recipe.
