
Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Avocado Quesadilla, a tasty, healthy & easy to make quesadilla recipe with mashed avocado. Quesadilla is a Mexican dish prepared from two tortillas with the stuffing in between them, usually the stuffings are cheese, beans or any meat. 

I love avocados like anything hence always looking for the possibility to incorporate in day to day dishes and this avocado quesadilla is one of  my favorite recipes to make for dinner, brunch or even for breakfast with the leftover chapati from the previous night. 

For this quesadilla, I had used the leftover chapati/roti instead of tortillas and it turned out so delicious every SINGLE time. So you no need to worry about buying/making tortillas to make this quesadilla. 

When it comes to cooking, there are no hard and fast rules, all you need is a tasty and healthy dish at the end, right ?, so use whatever you like either it's tortillas or chapati. If you like avocado, then definitely give it a try . I'm sure that you won't be disappointed for sure.

Related : How to make Soft Chapati / Roti

Avocado Quesadilla

Preparation Time : 10 mins | Cooking Time : 15 minsServes :
Recipe Category: Dinner | Recipe Cuisine: Indian
Avocado Quesadilla, Grilled Avocado Quesadilla Avocado Quesadilla, a tasty, healthy & easy to make quesadilla recipe with mashed avocado.
Tortilla/Chapati - 4 
Avocado(ripe) - 2
Onion(chopped) - 2 tbsp
Coriander leaves(chopped) - 2 tbsp
Jalapeno - 1
Lemon - 1
Salt - to taste
Mozzarella cheese - 2 to 3 tbsp
Capsicum(chopped) - 2 tbsp(optional)
Tomato(chopped) - 2 tbsp (optional)
Butter - to toast  

First finely chop the onions,coriander leaves & jalapeno into small pieces and keep it ready.Cut the avocado into two, remove the seed and scoop out the flesh into the bowl.
Mash the avocado into smooth paste with fork,immediately squeeze the lemon juice. into it.
Then add the onions,coriander leaves & jalapeno into the avocado along with required salt and give a good mix.
Chop the capsicum & tomato into small pieces.Take a tortilla & apply the avocado mixture on one side.
Add some capsicum, tomato & cheese on the top of avocado mixture.
Fold into half and place it on buttered grill/regular tava and cook on both sides.
Slice it half and it's ready to serve. We had it with siracha sauce on top.

Related : How to make Baked Avocado rolls

  • Add more or less  tomato & capsicum as per your liking.
  • Instead of grilling, you can cook it on tawa also.
  • I have used flour tortillas, but you can corn tortillas too.
  • You can make this with leftover chapathis/rotis too.
 Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing this BM#72


  1. Yummy looking avocado quesadillas.

  2. Oh I am sure kids will love this one..good option to have..

  3. What a lovely meal, I would love to enjoy these. awesome.

  4. Omg, this avocado quesadillas makes me hungry, lipsmacking here.

  5. healthy and yummy quesadilla. love you clicks

  6. Creamy and filling quesadilla and I am craving for some right now.

  7. I love avocados. Using them so well in quesadilla is a perfect idea!

  8. I am so going to try it out. My kids love avocados and quesadillas and so it is perfect for me :)
