
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Today's breakfast recipe is from Norway. When i searched for some flat bread , i found this Norwegian Potato Lefse recipe, it's very easy to prepare & requires only basic ingredients from our pantry.Mostly it made from leftover mashed potatoes, but i prepare fresh one to make this.Lefse is popular in Norway around the festival time like Thanks giving & Christmas. There are so many variation in making this, but i stick to the basics.To know more about lafse , read here

Norwegian Potato Lefse

Preparation Time : 8 hrs for resting | Cooking Time : 20 minsServes :
Recipe Category: Breakfast | Recipe Cuisine: Norwegian
Recipe source - here
Potato - 2 nos (medium)
All purpose flour - 1/2 cup - 3/4 cup
Cold Butter - 2 tbsp
Salt to salt
Milk - 2 tbsp

Cook the potatoes in pressure cooker for 3 whistle . Once it cooled, mash the potatoes without any lumps and cut into the butter, add milk & salt and mix it well.Keep this in refrigerator for overnight.Some recipe suggest to keep the potatoes in refrigerator for 3 days before use and some other suggest to keep in refrigerator until the potatoes get firm.

On the next day, add the flour(when you are ready to make the bread) into mashed potato, start with 1/2 cup of flour and add more if needed to form the dough. I forget to add the salt previous night, so added now.Make small balls from the dough, take a small in the dusted floor & roll into thin sheets.I couldn't roll as much thin as suggested, it's tear apart easily, so mine is bit thick.Heat the tava with butter, put the rolled sheets & cook on both side until the brown spot appears.While serving, sprinkle some sugar & sugar and roll it up. You can serve this with any type of jam or peanut butter. We had some leftover lefse and we had it with mushroom masala, it tastes amazing. I think that the slight sweet in the bread goes well with any spicy indian curry.
  • Original recipe calls for heavy cream, but i used milk.
  • Add just enough flour to make the dought, dont add too much flour.

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  1. Love your pictures..when I made these, I too wanted to plate them like how you did, but completely forgot and did my own..very nice one!

  2. Wow this potato bread looks so the way you have stacked it...fantastic...bookmarking !

  3. Beautifully plated lefse. Pictures are very tempting.

  4. these look like resham - as in silk...fluffy and nice..beautifully captured

  5. super .. spotted brown in white is looking so nice .

  6. Potato bread looks so delicious.Very neat presentation.

  7. Looks so soft and the pic is so inviting. Wants me to grab one right away.

  8. Lefse looks soft and too prefect, lovely choice Sandhiya..very interesting dish.

  9. Wow, those potato flat bread look so soft and fluffy. They must have tasted amazing too.

  10. They look amazing. They are supposed to be more thinner? I think you have done an awesome job.

  11. Amazing flatbread and beautifully plated.

  12. These are beautifully made, nice plating.

  13. the flatbread is so amazing and looks light...

  14. Wow these look so yum wish I can get them off the screen.
