
Friday, July 24, 2015

For this week blogging marathon, i chose the theme "Lentils in 3 ways". So for next three days, you can see three different dishes with urad dal. My mom prepared this kanji in our schooldays as our evening drink.In those days, we didn't like  this much ,so my mom stopped making this.

Recently, i craved for this Kanji , asked my mom for this recipe and prepared it immediately and i loved it. I think , we like certain taste only when we grow old :-) . As we all know urad dal have lot of health benefits, so i make this atleast twice a month nowadays. 

My mom said, that in her childhood days, they prepared this with paruthi pal extracted  from paruthi kottai using aatu kal and it's great remedy for cold in chest. over to the recipe.

Ulunthu/Uzhunthu Kanji

Preparation Time : 5 mins | Cooking Time : 20 minsServes :
Recipe Category: Drink | Recipe Cuisine: South Indian


Whole Urad dal(without skin) - 1/4 cup
Garlic cloves - 7 nos
Grated Coconut - 1/4 cup
Palm Jaggery - 1/4 cup
Cardamom Powder - 1/4 tsp(Optional)
First wash the urad dal  well and add it in pressure cooker  along with garlic & 3/4 cup of water and cook it for 5 whistle or until it 's mushy(it takes little longer time than toor dal).

In the mean time, heat the pan with palm jaggery and 1/4 cup of water and make jagery syrup.No need to check any consistency, just to remove the impurities we make the syrup. Once the jaggery melted, filter it and keep it aside.
Once the pressure released from the cooker, open the lid and mashed the dal with laddle.
Again put it on flame  and then add the jaggery syrup & cardamom powder,mix it well and bring it to boil.
In the the mean time ,extract the coconut milk from the coconut and keep it ready. Add the coconut milk at the end and switch off the flame immediately.
Healthy and tasty Ulunthu Kanji is ready.
Mix it well and have it
  • Dont mash the dal completely. The whole dal in between kanji gives great texture and taste.
  • If you dont like garlic flavor, you can reduce the amount.
  • Traditional paruthi pal is added into this , so if you have paruthi kottai, extract milk from that and use it here.
  • Even you can add our regular milk too.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#54



  1. very healthy and nutritious!!! love the clicks...

  2. Such a healthy dish, thanks for sharing

  3. Urad porridge looks nice.. Healthy dish.

  4. wow..looks so yum and healthy porridge...must try recipe..

  5. The porridge is new to me , can't understand the idea of using garlic with jaggery:(

  6. Very interesting kanji. Addition of garlic and jaggery sounds interesting as well.

  7. Wow looks very interesting Sandhiya..must be so healthy!

  8. When should I add salt? This recipe doesn't need salt?

  9. When should I add salt? This recipe doesn't need salt?

    1. This is a sweet kanji,so salt is not required.
