
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

For this month Indian cooking challenge, we make sindhi pakora. This pakora is almost similar to our south indian one with few changes in the ingredients.Last week only, i remembered about this challenge and i dont have dry pomegranate seed, so searched in the nearby grocery store, but i couldn't find it, so  i made it at home.
After making pomegranate juice, extract the seed and dried it in sun for 2 days and i used that in this recipe. To be frank, i dont like the coriander seed in between the pakoras while having it, but my DH have it without any complaints.Other than that, it's a flavorful pakoda. Now over to the recipe.

Sanna Pakora

Preparation Time : 10 mins hr | Cooking Time : 20 minsServes :
Recipe Category: Snacks | Recipe Cuisine: Indian
Besan/Gram flour - 1/2 cup
Onion - 1(small)
Cumin seed - 1/2 tsp 
Dry Pomegranate seed - 1/2 tsp 
Coriander seed - 1/2 tsp
Green chili - 1
Red Chili Powder - 1/4 tsp
Coriander leaves - few
Baking soda - a pinch
Salt - to taste
Water - to bind the flour
Oil for frying

Slice the onions thinly and chili into small pieces.
Take besan, cumin seed, pomegranate seed, green chili,coriander seed, red chili powder, salt & baking soda  in a bowl & mix it well and then add onions.
Now add enough water and make it like a dough . 
Finally add the coriander leaves and mix it well.Heat oil in the frying pan .
Take a spoon full of this mixture and slide gently into hot oil, fry them on medium flame until it's almost done.
Drain out using a slotted spatula, and place it on tissue paper.Once it cooled again fry it until it's crispy
Serve hot with ketchup or serve it along with coffee/tea as evening snacks.

1 comment:

  1. Wow those pakodas look so inviting..glad you joined us!
