
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Beetroot Dates Halwa, a delicious and easy to make halwa without any sugar. In my space, i already have beetroot halwa recipe. But this halwa is quite different and it doesn't need any sugar and for the sweetness here dates are used.

This halwa  can be prepared in 15 mins and also it is completely sugar free. That's cool, right? When i saw this halwa recipe in sharmispassion, i was really impressed. So immediately gave it a try on the very next day and it turned  out super delicious ! 

As i said earlier, this halwa is completely sugar free and also doesn't need a lot of ghee, so even if you're on diet, without hesitation, you can have this. Now let see the procedure.

Beetroot Dates Halwa | No Sugar Beetroot Halwa

Preparation Time : 10 mins | Cooking Time : 20 minsServes :
Recipe Category: Sweet | Recipe Cuisine: Indian
No Sugar Beetroot Halwa, Beetroot Dates Halwa, Beetroot Halwa, Halwa Recipe, Indian Sweet, Indian Halwa Beetroot Dates Halwa, a delicious and easy to make halwa without any sugar.


Beetroot - 1 medium size(yields 1 cup when grated)
Black Dates - 14
Ghee - 2 tsp
Cashew - few
Milk - 3/4 cup
Cardamom powder - 1/4 tsp

Peel the beetroot and grate it. Remove the seed from dates and chop it roughly.

Heat 1 tsp ghee in a pan, fry the cashews, when the cashews turns golden brown, add the grated beetroot and saute it well for 2 min.

Then add the dates and mix it well. Now add milk and allow to cook in medium flame until the milk is absorbed. It takes around 10 mins.

Finally add the cardamom powder and remaining 1 tsp ghee , mix it well.

At this stage, it leaves the side of the pan, switch off the flame.

Serve this yummy beetroot halwa as warm or cold. Either way it tastes great.


  • You can use normal dates instead of black dates.
  • Even you can grind the dates and add it.
  • Adjust the dates according to the sweetness of the beetroot.

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