
Sunday, March 8, 2015

Peanut chutney is one of the recipe i tried from online. I never tasted it before, because in our home, we rarely use peanuts.My mom says that consuming lot of peanuts leads to pitham(throwing up yellow bile) .Even if we had, we have it along with karupaati(palm sugar), it will help to reduce pitham.
But when i searched for some different  chutney recipe, i found this and when i tried this first time , i doubt that how it will taste. But it tastes great . After that i regularly make this chutney.


Peanut - 1/4 cup
Grated coconut - 3 tbsp
Red chili - 3
Garlic pods - 3
Tamarind -small piece
Salt - to taste

To Temper
Oil - 1/2 tsp
Mustard & urad dal -1/4 tsp
Curry leaves - few

First dry roast the peanut and allow it cool & peel the skin, then roast red chili, tamarind, garlic pods slightly.

Once everything is cooled, put it in mixie along with coconut & salt.Grind into smooth paste by adding water. Temper the ingredients listed under "To Temper" and add it to the chutney.

Peanut Chutney tastes great with idli or dosa. Usually i make this chutney along with rava idli   

Note : 

  • Roast the peanut well. otherwise the chutney will have raw smell.

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