
Saturday, March 14, 2015

I joined the Indian Cooking Challenge  event recently.For this month challenge, Srivalli chose Mangalore bun from  Chefandherkitchen. By the name, i thought it would be baked in oven. But,to my surprise, this bun is deep fried one. 
You can check the event information here . I followed the recipe exactly and  the bun turns out delicious. Thanks ICC, i learnt my first mangalore dish.


Maida - 1 1/2 cup (i used 2:1 ratio of maida and Wheat flour)
Powdered Sugar - 2 tbsp
Oil - 2 tbsp
Curd - 3 tbsp
Banana - 2 nos(i used yelaki) 
Baking soda - pinch
Cumin seed - 1/2 tsp(Optional)
Salt - 1/2 tsp
Oil  for deep frying
Extra flour for dusting

First peel and  mash  the banana along with sugar, you can grind in mixie/blender too. The banana i used was well riped, so i just mashed it.
Mashed banana should yield approximately 1/2 cup. Since i used yelaki variety , i used 2 nos, if you use bigger one, just 1 banana is enough.
Then add the curd and oil into this mixture and mix well , keep it aside.

Sieve the flour along with baking powder & salt twice and then add cumin into it . Now slowly add the wet ingredients into this flour and make the dough.
Dont add water, the moisture in the wet ingredients is enough to make  the dough.If it's sticky, add 1 or 2 tbsp of flour and mix well.

Cover and leave it aside for 4-5 hrs. But i keep it in the fridge for overnight. Next morning, take it from fridge before 2 hrs to make the bun.

Make 9 lemon size balls and roll into puris . In the mean time, heat  the oil in the deep pan for frying.

Now slide the pooris in to hot oil and press it with slotted spoon to puff up and then turn the other side and fry it until it become brown. Drain the oil and put it in paper towel.

Delicious Mangalore bun is ready . Serve it with spicy coconut chutney. It tastes delicious even without any side dish.


  • This bun hold  the shape even after 6-7 hrs.
  • You can increase/decrease the sugar quantity according to your taste.
  • Cumin seed gives great flavor to this bun. I recommend to add it.


  1. we loved it Sandhiya and yours looks gorgeous too...

    1. Thanks for your kind words. you made my day.

  2. Looks like you got perfectly puffed up pooris..very nicely done!..glad you could join us..

    1. First time, heard about this bun. Glad i joined the group.Thanks to you and ICC

  3. Perfectly fried Mangalore buns. They look delicious.

  4. Nicely puffed up.. loved all the clicks
