
Monday, March 16, 2015

Last week, cauliflower was sold at road side shop nearby ,since it has been long time, i made any dish with cauliflower, so i bought it. Instead of making regular kurma, cauliflower pakoda or manchurian. I want something to do different ,so searched in google and found this soup recipe  as interesting ,so tried it immediately with few modification to suite our taste. 

Cauliflower - 2/3 cup florets
Onion - 1 (small)
Garlic - 1 pod
Bay leaf - 1
Milk- 1/4 cup
Corn flour - 1 tsp
Salt - 1/2 tsp(approx)
Pepper powder - 1 tsp
Butter - 1 tsp


Clean the cauliflower and cut into small florets and onion into small pieces. Crush the garlic and keep aside

Heat butter in a pressure pan, add garlic, bay leaf & onion and saute it well. Then add cauliflower and mix it well.

Then add 1/2 cup water approx and cover the pan with lid & put on whistle. Cook it for 3 whistle.

Once the pressure released, remove the bay leaf and mash it well with potato masher.
Again heat it with enough water & milk . Once it comes to boil, mix the corn flour with water and add into it.

Finally add the salt and  pepper and allow to boil for 4-5 mins & switch off the flame.

  • Butter gives great flour to  this soup, so dont use oil to saute it.
  • This soup is not very creamy, if you want creamy, once cooked, mashed with hand mixer or put it in blender and blend it well.
  • Add water & cornflour , according to the consistency of the soup you want.

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