
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Spinach soup/Palak soup is the only soup i make regularly. I like this soup because of the creaminess and flavor.It 's  very mild soup and suits my taste.If you're looking for some healthy and tasty soup, try this, you woulnt get disappointment. 

Spinach - 1/2 cup(tightly packed)
Onion - 1 (Small)
Garlic -2 pods
Butter- 1tsp
Corn flour - 1 tspn
Milk - 1/4 cup
Sugar - 1/4 tsp
Pepper - to taste
Salt - to taste
Enough water.

Clean the spinach and remove the stalk. Cut the onions roughly and peal the garlic and cut roughly.
Heat the pan, add butter and then add onion and garlic.Saute it well.Then add spinach and saute it well.
Once it shrinks , add enough water along with sugar and allow to cook.

Once cooked , switch off the flame . Allow to cool and  then drain the water(dont throw away this water) and grind spinach,onion&garlic into smooth paste. Add this paste into pan along with cooked water. if that water is not enough ,add more and bring to boil
Mix the corn flour with little water and add it. Then add salt and pepper.

Mix it well.Now the mixture became thick . Finally add the milk and stir it and switch off the flame.

Tasty and healthy spinach soup is ready.Serve it with croutons.

  • Instead of milk, you can add cream too.But add the cream in less quantity.
  • If you have hand blender, once cooled , blend it in the pan itself.
  • Sugar is added to retain the color of spinach. if you dont want that,skip it.

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