
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Mint Squash, a refreshing and delicious mint flavored drink. I love the flavor of mint, so i used to buy a bunch of mint leaves whenever we go to farmer's market.

Usually i make mint chutney or mint rice. For a change i tried this squash(i saw it in some cookery show )a while ago and we really liked this a lot.The mint flavor came out very well in this squash. If you like mint flavor,give it a try.

Mint Squash

Preparation Time : 1 hr | Cooking Time : 20 minsServes :
Recipe Category: Drink | Recipe Cuisine: Indian
Mint Squash, Summer Drink description.

Mint leaves - 1/2 cup(tightly packed)
Water - 1 cup
Sugar - 1/2 cup
Lemon salt -a generous pinch
Food color(apple green) - a pinch(optional)


Clean and wash the mint leaves . In a sauce pan heat the water and sugar, once the sugar syrup reach thick consistency add the mint leaves and close it with lid

Keep the mint leaves in sugar syrup for atleast 4 to 6 hrs until the mint leaves flavor extract into the sugar syrup.

After that remove the mint leaves using strainer.Then add lemon salt(lemon salt is used to preserve ,if you consume within a day or two,ignore it) and food color(totally optional)and mix it well.

Store it in sterilized bottle and use it whenever you want. Take 1/4th of glass with squash and fill the remaining with chilled water and some ice cubes.

Tada, your delicious mint squash is ready to serve.


  1. wow .. paka ..

  2. how much vinegar and citric acid can be used to preservr mint squash

    1. I did't use any vinegar or citric acid in this recipe, just a generous pinch of lemon salt is enough for this mint squash
