
Friday, February 24, 2012


Appam batter - 2 cup(see here  for making appam batter)
Jaggery / Palm Jaggery(powdered) - 3/4 - 1  cup(adjust to ur taste).
Cardamom powder - 1 tsp
Baking soda - pinch


In the aappam batter add jaggery & cardamom powder and mix it well.

Finally add baking soda into batter and mix it well.(Add baking soda just before making appam)

Heat appam kadai or normal tava. Pour the laddle of batter into tava and spread it evenly.Cover the tava with lid.

After few mins, appam leave the sides , remove the appam from tava at this stage.

Delicious Vella/Karupatti Appam is ready.

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